A Christ-centered community providing excellence in education to meet the needs of the whole child.
Tithing is the practice of setting aside 10% of your increase or profits to support the work of God.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is a tithing parish and does not charge school tuition, except for Full Day Kindergarten. However, as a non-tuition parish school, parents are expected to be leaders in tithing, directing at least 5% of their annual gross income to the Church through the weekly collections.
This tithe obligation is what all Catholics in the universal Church are asked to do, whether or not a school ministry exists. Thus, school families are especially obligated to support the parish. All OLMC families are asked to remain faithful to their tithe obligation. School families are also expected to take leadership roles in parish & school ministries, demonstrating their faith at work.
Learn about our Kindergarten Fees >
Worship at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish is an essential component in developing our faith life. Your attendance at Mass is an important witness, not only to your children, but to all parish children and adults that regular participation in the sacraments is essential to our way of life as Catholics. This is to be demonstrated by giving a parish envelope in the offertory basket on a regular basis. We encourage you to engage your children in additional forms of daily family prayer as well.
For canonical reasons (enrollment in OLMC School; use of our facilities for liturgical services; certification as sponsors), OLMC uses the Envelope System to verify attendance. Whenever attending Mass, please place your personalized envelope or check in the collection basket. Envelopes do not need to contain money.
Please Note: Extra envelopes are available on the Welcome Table in the narthex.