A Christ-centered community providing excellence in education to meet the needs of the whole child.
Tuition for Full Day Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year is $5,000.00. Tuition for the 2025-2026 school year may see a slight increase. The $200.00 non-refundable application deposit is applied the tuition cost. Payment must be submitted in full by July 15. There is an option for ACH direct debit for monthly payments from August through May if you are not able to pay in full by July 15.
Book fees are dependent upon the individual grade needs of the child. Generally, book fees are an estimated $600 - $900 per year per child. Note: this amount can vary and be more or less than the estimated costs. Payment for the first half (or the full amount, if you choose) must be received in the office or communication of hardship to our business manager by July 15 each year. The second payment (if applicable) is due on November 30.
Additional fees for field trips, yearbooks, pictures, and other various activities are separate from book fees and will be collected at the time of need.