A Christ-centered community providing excellence in education to meet the needs of the whole child.
Discover Catholic Schools Week
November 2024
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week
January 26-February 1, 2025
Thursday, October 24, 2024
9: 15 AM to 10:45 AM
Future Raiders and their parents can expect the opportunity to explore and enjoy:
The school typically puts on two book fairs during the year. One in the Fall and one in the Spring. This is a great opportunity for the kids to purchase some fun, age-appropriate books. Volunteers are needed throughout the week to help with set-up and shopping.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning plus attendance at the event
Volunteers - 1+ hrs
Movie night is a great tradition at OLMC! The kids have a chance to dress in their jammies and join their friends for a movie, dinner, and snacks in the Parish Hall. The movie nights are separated by grade and require many volunteers to help check in, collect admission, serve food, and monitor the students.
We will need one chair and one co-chair to help organize this event. Chairs will help pick the movie, the pizza, the snack, and the drinks. They will also send out a SUG (Sign Up Genius) asking for volunteers to assist with the event.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 3 hrs during the event
Movie night is a great tradition at OLMC! The kids have a chance to dress in their jammies and join their friends for a movie, dinner, and snacks in the Parish Hall. The movie nights are separated by grade and require many volunteers to help check in, collect admission, serve food, and monitor the students.
We will need one chair and one co-chair to help organize this event. Chairs will help pick the movie, the pizza, the snack, and the drinks. They will also send out a SUG asking for volunteers to assist with the event.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 3 hrs during the event
An exciting carnival-themed social event is held in the fall for our 5th-grade students. This social is held yearly so there are plenty of existing decorations and ideas that are re-used year after year. Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up and running of the events during the social. We will also need volunteers to help with clean up.
A Chair and Co-chair are responsible for organizing the event which involves coordinating with teachers to create/collect permission slips, sending out SUG for volunteers, and making sure the event goes smoothly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs during the event
A fun tail-gate-themed social event is held in the fall for our 6th-grade students. This social is held yearly so there are plenty of existing decorations and ideas that are re-used year after year. Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up and running of the events during the social. We will also need volunteers to help with clean-up.
A Chair and Co-chair are responsible for organizing the event which involves coordinating with teachers to create/collect permission slips, sending out SUG for volunteers, and making sure the event goes smoothly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs during the event
On the last day of school, the students in grades 1-6 participate in a fun-filled Field Day complete with games and a tasty treat! As you can imagine, this requires many volunteers to help run the events and manage the kids. It is a great opportunity to spend some time with your student and have some fun celebrating the end of the school year!
A Chair and Co-chair are responsible for organizing the event which involves planning the activities, sending out a SUG for volunteers, and making sure the event runs smoothly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 5+ hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs during the event
This is another wonderful tradition at OLMC that includes mass, brunch, a speaker, and shopping! The mother’s brunch is planned for the fall and requires many volunteers to do everything from planning the event to decorating and preparing the venue.
A Chair and several Co-Chairs work together beginning a month before the event to coordinate everything including securing the venue, planning the menu, creating the décor, working with vendors, and setting up and cleaning.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chairs - 10+ hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs
Coffee, donuts, and bagels are provided to the parents on the first day of school to welcome everyone back from Summer break. A few volunteers are required to help set up on the day of the event.
A Chair will pick up the food and coordinate with volunteers to assist with set-up and clean-up.
Approximate commitment required:
1+ hrs
This is a wonderful opportunity to show new families our amazing school. Existing school families lead new and prospective families on a tour of the facility while answering any questions they might have about attending school at OLMC.
A Chair will send out a SUG to recruit volunteers for the day of the tour.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair-2 hrs
Volunteers-1+ hrs
The school provides several opportunities for families to purchase and/or donate used uniforms throughout the year.
A Chair and Co-Chair organize and run the uniform sale before school starts. Then they, along with volunteers, collect and organize the weekly uniform donations that are received by the school.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3+ hrs throughout the year
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as needed
The playground committee is responsible for ensuring that all the playground equipment is in good working order so that the students have a safe and fun recess.
A Chair sends out periodic SUGs for recess duty volunteers and inspects playground equipment weekly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs throughout the year
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as desired
In support of the Merciful HELP Center, OLMC families donate household essentials during the month of November.
A Chair will print and deliver handouts with information on the recommended items for students to donate and send out a SUG for volunteers to help organize and deliver items to the MHC.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3 hrs
Volunteers - 1+ hrs all during November
To show our continued appreciation to the Sisters who serve our parish, OLMC families stock their pantry with some everyday essentials by way of donation.
A Chair will print and deliver handouts with information on the recommended items for students to donate and send out a SUG for volunteers to help organize and deliver items to the sisters.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3 hrs
Volunteers - 1+ hrs all during Aug 24-31
The school conducts a collection of gently used coats and other winter accessories to be given to the Merciful Help Center during the winter months.
A chair conducts daily checks for items left in the atrium during the collection period.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 2+ hrs during the week
The school hosts daily planned events for the students during catholic schools week centered around disability awareness.
A Chair coordinates with outside foundations to set up speakers/events and sends out SUG for volunteers to assist with stations if necessary.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 2+ hrs over the course of a week
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as needed
Students participate in a Merciful Help Center event to collect donations for the community of Anderson.
A Chair sends out a SUG for volunteers to help collect and sort donated items as they arrive. Then the chair and volunteers will help with the event when it is held in January.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs during the week in December and January including the day of the event
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as needed
During January, school families can donate gently used games and books to the school. Any unclaimed items are sent to communities in need.
A Chair collects donations daily and delivers them to the teachers’ lounge.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs over the course of the week
OLMC partners with local restaurants throughout the year to host fundraisers for the school. Families can purchase dinner at the participating restaurant and a percentage of the profit is given to the school.
A Chair reaches out to local restaurants to negotiate and plan the fundraisers, prints and delivers flyers, and sets up signage.
Approximate commitment required:
2+ hrs a month
Parents can volunteer their time for a Thursday morning shift in the teachers’ workroom assisting with copying, laminating, and stapling.
A Chair is responsible for sending out a weekly SUG for volunteers and ensuring there is enough help each week. Volunteers can sign up for as many or as few shifts as they are able to help with tasks in the workroom.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs over the course of the year
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as desired
Treats are provided to the teachers every Friday as a special way to thank them for all they do.
A Chair sends out a SUG in the fall and spring for volunteers and follows up with volunteers to make sure every Friday is covered. Volunteers can sign up for as many days as they would like to make treats and deliver them to the school.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs over the course of the year
Volunteers - 1+ hrs as desired
This is an organized lunch for the teachers and staff the day before school starts.
A Chair and co-chair work with local restaurants to organize a catered lunch, plan simple décor, set up, and clean up.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-chair - 3+ hrs during the week
This is an organized lunch for the teachers and staff the day before school starts.
A Chair and co-chair work with local restaurants to organize a catered lunch, plan simple décor, set up, and clean up.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-chair - 3+ hrs during the week
Lunch is provided to the teachers during parent-teacher conferences.
A Chair works with a local restaurant to organize a simple lunch (i.e. sub sandwiches).
Approximate commitment required:
Chair-2+ hrs during the week
OLMC celebrates the return to school with an evening of fun and fellowship where families can come to see friends, learn about school activities/clubs, and enjoy a cold treat.
Volunteers can sign up to help with set-up and clean-up for the event in August.
Approximate commitment required:
Volunteers - 1+ hrs
A themed social event held in the fall for our 7th and 8th students. This social is held yearly so there are plenty of existing decorations and ideas that are re-used year after year. Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up and running of the events during the social. We will also need volunteers to help with clean up
A Chair and Co-chair are responsible for organizing the event which involves coordinating with teachers to create/collect permission slips, sending out SUG for volunteers, and making sure the event goes smoothly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs during the event
A themed social event is held in the Spring for our 7th and 8th students. This social is held yearly so there are plenty of existing decorations and ideas that are re-used year after year. Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up and running of the events during the social. We will also need volunteers to help with clean up
A Chair and Co-chair are responsible for organizing the event which involves coordinating with teachers to create/collect permission slips, sending out SUG for volunteers, and making sure the event goes smoothly.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-Chair - 3 hrs planning
Volunteers - 2+ hrs during the event
Students receive a small treat to celebrate the school’s birthday September 2nd.
A Chair sends out a SUG for volunteers to help pass out treats during lunch.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair and volunteers - 2+ hrs
Room parents help the teachers throughout the year with classroom activities. It’s a great opportunity to spend some time with your kids during the school day!
Volunteers work together with each other and the teachers to plan several parties throughout the year and well as help with other classroom activities.
Approximate commitment required:
Volunteers 4+ hrs over the course of the year
The committee works with the Catholic Identity Committee (teachers/staff) to plan out the events for Catholic Schools Week. This is a great opportunity to celebrate our faith and our school.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Committee Members - Planning 6 hours plus event execution
Volunteers - 1 hr+
Family Bingo Night is the first event to kick off Catholic Schools Week. Duties include organizing the event (Bingo caller, bingo supplies, snacks, prizes) and publicizing it.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair - 3+ hrs planning
Volunteer - 2+ hrs.
This is an organized lunch for the teachers and staff during Catholic Schools Week.
A Chair and co-chair work with a local restaurant to organize a simple lunch.
Approximate commitment required:
Chair/Co-chair - 3+ hrs during the week